Tel Aviv, Israel

 Team Salary: 93.75M

World Rank: 126 (128)

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Tel Aviv Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F RL da Costa, Ginestal Poor Poor
Home Country F CRL Gunnarsson, Aron Average Poor
Home Country F R Meisner, Djuro Average Poor
Home Country F L Nachbaur, Alexander Poor Average
Home Country F RL Simek, Angus Average Poor
Home Country F R Wolf, Sebastian Average Average
Home Country M RL Cerar, Alen Excellent Excellent
Home Country M C Krapez, Andraz Average Average
Home Country M CL Maman, Golan Average Excellent
Home Country M CL Middleton, Jordan Poor Average
Home Country M L Niemi, Ari Average Excellent
Home Country M RL Stockton, Gareth Average Poor
Home Country D R Kurt, Ugur Average Average
Home Country D CR Mastricolo, Tony Excellent Poor
Home Country D CRL Nixon, Kevin Average Average
Home Country D R Novotny, Miroslav Average Average
Home Country D R Parmigiani, Luciano Average Excellent
Home Country D CL Vulavou, Luke Average Poor
Home Country G C Lobos, Rodolfo Poor Average
Home Country G RL Siswantoro, Gatot Average Average
20 Players