Shanghai, China

 Team Salary: 83.50M

World Rank: 154

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Shanghai Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F L Ferrao, Mohammad Average Poor
Home Country F CR Fox, Kyle Average Average
Home Country F L Gordon, Daniel Poor Poor
Home Country F C Hastings, Barry Average Poor
Home Country F CR Kosonen, Jaakko Excellent Excellent
Home Country F L Lipinski, Robert Average Average
Home Country M R Byloos, Ludo Average Average
Home Country M CL Cao, Yi Average Average
Home Country M C Doyle, Kevin Average Average
Home Country M CL Huriez, Emilien Average Excellent
Home Country M CL Lizardo, Carlos Average Average
Home Country M CR Oh, Myung-Jin Average Average
Home Country D CRL Bernard, Pierre-louis Average Average
Home Country D C Cordero, Leonardo Average Average
Home Country D RL Ellenburg, Isaac Poor Excellent
Home Country D RL Nafarrate, Teo Average Poor
Home Country D C Sipos, Gy÷rgy Average Poor
Home Country D CL Tsanev, Georgi Average Poor
Home Country G L de Kok, Hamza Poor Excellent
Home Country G R Gow, Stefan Average Average
20 Players