Kyoto, Japan

 Team Salary: 95.00M

World Rank: 54 (45)

dualtamac Last seen 2 days ago

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Kyoto Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F C Carlsen, Henrik Average Excellent
Home Country F C Smith, William Average Poor
Home Country F CRL Tang, Tao Excellent Average
Home Country F L Vßzquez, Gonzalo Average Average
Home Country M L Atanasov, Hristo Average Excellent
Home Country M R Cardoso, Pedro Average Poor
Home Country M CR Horvßth, Richßrd Average Poor
Home Country M R Hutchinson, Ricky Poor Average
Home Country M CRL Janssen, Wouter Average Average
Home Country M CRL Larrosa, Christian Average Average
Home Country M L Monteagudo, Santos Poor Average
Home Country M R Pierleoni, Alessandro Average Average
Home Country M C Sanhueza, Patricio Average Average
Home Country M RL Zhdanov, Olexandr Excellent Average
Home Country D CL Ivanenko, Olexiy Average Poor
Home Country D L Mergjyshi, Bardhyl Average Average
Home Country D C Millßn Justo, Juan Carlos Average Excellent
Home Country D R Mohd Sabri, Sudarsono Average Average
Home Country D CL Setiawan, Doni Average Poor
Home Country D C Slamet, Mahmud Average Poor
Home Country G R Clough, Dane Average Average
21 Players