Tokyo, Japan

 Team Salary: 81.50M

World Rank: 164 (160)

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Tokyo Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F C Cognon, Jean-Marie Average Poor
Home Country F L Garbuz, Igor Average Average
Home Country F CRL Musa, Diya Average Excellent
Home Country F L Tomasevic, Djordje Average Excellent
Home Country F CL Wanzi, Alex Poor Poor
Home Country F L Zlicic, Marko Average Poor
Home Country M CRL Berger, Thomas Average Poor
Home Country M L Devan, Balakrishnan Average Poor
Home Country M RL Grundt, Manuel Average Poor
Home Country M L Langarica, Dani Average Poor
Home Country M CRL Matta, Erik Average Average
Home Country M RL Perisic, Bogdan Average Average
Home Country D L Hausmann, Marco Average Excellent
Home Country D CRL Jansen, Rens Average Excellent
Home Country D C Lefebvre, Cyril Average Excellent
Home Country D CRL Nyysonen, Oscar Clive Average Average
Home Country D R Regadas, Pedro Poor Average
Home Country D C Torres, Hernßn Average Poor
Home Country G C Haddad, Erez Poor Poor
Home Country G CR Tandy, Danny Average Excellent
20 Players