Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

 Team Salary: 95.00M

World Rank: 37 (47)

JRook2 Last seen 0 days ago

Home > Americas > Rio de Janiero >

RiodeJaniero Players

Season 59 - All Matches

Player GP Starts Minutes Setups Setups Success Setup % Assists Shots Shots on Goal Goals On Goal % Scoring %
Home Country F Chelariu, Silvian 16 15 1237 47 37 79 3 65 27 5 42 8
Home Country F Ionescu, Virgil 16 12 1144 48 25 52 3 36 11 3 31 8
Home Country F Kutsal, Ahmet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Pang, Kai Ho 10 10 780 22 8 36 1 24 7 3 29 13
Home Country F Vasara, Marko 22 10 1194 37 24 65 2 62 27 6 44 10
Home Country M Becker, Jens 21 16 1459 18 8 44 1 11 3 0 27
Home Country M Boyko, Mykhaylo 21 18 1724 22 10 46 2 20 5 3 25 15
Home Country M Gardarißn, Eduardo 25 24 2078 31 26 84 2 21 6 3 29 14
Home Country M Holzman, Luis 23 18 1777 47 39 83 3 27 13 6 48 22
Home Country M Huun, Jorgan 11 8 743 16 14 88 3 8 2 1 25 13
Home Country M Schmitz, Julian 21 18 1685 28 23 82 2 16 8 4 50 25
Home Country M Stan, Toni 22 21 1690 47 37 79 4 20 7 2 35 10
Home Country M Waclawczyk, Radoslaw 22 18 1704 42 40 95 4 22 6 0 27
Home Country D De Bellis, Marco 15 12 968 18 13 72 0 6 3 0 50
Home Country D Fedor, Alexandru 15 15 1312 12 8 67 1 13 4 2 31 15
Home Country D J°rgensen, Erik 23 16 1525 15 14 93 2 9 3 2 33 22
Home Country D Kajberg, Patrick 17 13 1282 11 8 73 0 9 1 1 11 11
Home Country D Ludlow, Andy 12 12 1103 9 6 67 1 5 2 1 40 20
Home Country D Pavelka, Christopher 18 14 1364 17 11 65 1 7 0 0
Home Country G Chihaia, Giani 27 27 2482 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Player stats are only included if they occured while the player was playing for this team. Any stats achieved by a player prior to being traded to this team are not included.